What Does ‘Divine Being’ Mean to Me?

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I feel we ALL are divine beings. We all want to find that place within ourselves that brings us peace and reveals our true nature. That sense of being that lets us know that ALL will be OK. That sense of peace and calm. We ALL have that within us. We have just forgotten that place is there.

As Yogi Amrit Desai says, “ We are supposed to forget, so that we can remember again.” I always thought that was such a beautiful, thoughtful message about this practice. It helps you remember your true nature and the spirit that each one of us is born with.

As we grow, our true nature gets shoved aside from patterns, behaviors and life experiences. We may have tragic experiences or losses of emotional relationships that distract us from our true center of being. This practice of stillness and silence drops us below all those thoughts so our true self can be revealed once again.

I encourage all you divine beings to take time for yourself and join in an I AM Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation as often as you can. It is truly a transformative practice for anyone and no experience is necessary.